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Hey there, I'm Angie.

Located outside of Nashville, I'm a girl mom of 1 sweet miracle baby. I'll always be a mom first. My sweet girl is 19 months old, and we are both learning a lot together.


What started as two people struggling to have a child grew into a beautiful family of 3. We still have a lot to learn and plenty of room to grow.


As far as who I am outside of that? I'm not sure I can really say. My closet is a mixture of black clothes, a pink frilly lacy dress, and some beige clothing. I love to listen to Taylor Swift, but I also love Spiritbox, (and the Used, and many many others). I love dancing, rock climbing, hiking, and yoga. I also love to read, write, and draw.


The truth is, I'm still figuring it out. I'm still learning, and growing. Frankly, I'm enjoying almost every minute of it.

I'll get more into in another post. But why write a blog if I’m still figuring things out? The simple truth is, if it wasn't for reading about other women’s struggles, I might not be here. Reading about other women going through what I was going through has always helped me more than I could ever fully express in this small space. My hope is that in whatever small way, maybe I'll be able to give someone else the same hope I received, no after how hard their struggle is and no matter what their specific struggle is.

“Gifts aren’t to be paid back, they’re to be paid forward; for it is in giving that we receive.” – St. Francis Assisi

Mother and Daughter in a pink dress


Here We Talk About


Infertility: Our story,  how we over came it, and changes you can make to help you get pregnant.


Motherhood: Thoughts on navigating motherhood and how to not lose yourself.


Familyhood: Tips for keeping up with all the daily challenges, house, fiances, making meal plans and more. So you can take control of your life and manage the chaos.


Toddlerhood: Navigating the challenges and daily life of having a toddler. Our experiences with having a helmet, potty training and our more recent journey navigating ASQ / Ages and Stages Milestones. 


Fatherhood: A few dad tips, and hopefully a few thoughts from dad regarding daily life with having a toddler, and definitely some dad humor thrown in. 

Get to Know Us


It all started when Andrew and I meet in 2011, got engaged in 2013 and married in 2014. After suffering from infertility we finally had our miracle baby in 2021.


Before we had Addie we had talked about maybe I would stay home when we had a baby. But by the time we got pregnant we had some hefty fertility related debt. Staying home wasn’t an option. Going back after my maternity leave was the worst.

I hated time away from my girl, and a few months ago I felt like I reached a breaking point. I worked all day, I came home tried to cook dinner, keep the house clean, spend time with Addie. But everything was falling apart. Addie wasn’t hitting her milestones. The house was always a mess, and I had mostly given up even trying to cook healthy meals. Instead I was doing the quickest easiest thing possible. My mental and physical health were suffering. Even when I got someone to watch Addie I mostly did things to catch up. Never taking time for myself.


I love being a mom, and I love Addie and my husband with all my heart. But I felt like I was falling everyone including myself.

Nothing could have prepared me for the pressure of trying to do it all.

Then one night I was scrolling through Instagram, not able to sleep. The house was quiet and I began reading about a mom staying at home. She talked about how she stayed at home and made money through blogging. Reading it I felt hope. She wasn’t famous, and she had a high follower count, but nothing that seemed completely unattainable.

She seemed like a regular mom sharing her knowledge and her journey. Her life looked like mine, except better, because she was able to stay with home with her little one.

If she could do it, maybe I could too.


I started doing more research and a few weeks later I’m looking at prices for starting the blog. I’ll be honest the cost of starting a blog seriously almost stopped me. I had a free WordPress account I started before Addie was born, but I hadn’t kept it up. Also I wanted the .com name. It seemed unlikely that I could be a full time blogger otherwise. My husband and I talked it to death. Maybe after the 10th time he said yes, you should do it. He said, “listen babe, you can do this. We can afford the investment in your dream.”


Now here we are, I’ve got a few post started and 1000 more ideas to come. So if you stick with me I can’t wait to see where this goes.

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