About Me: Join me as I write blog post about being a mom with infertility.
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Hello 🤍
I just want to express how genuinely happy I am that you've found your way here! For those who might be new to this space, I'm Angie!
Connecting with you all about life and motherhood has been an incredible journey for me. Meeting and conversing with all of you has been an absolute joy. If we haven't connected yet, leave a comment sharing a bit about yourself or shoot me a message—I love getting to know each and every one of you.
Written May 20, 2023 Hey! I’m so glad you are here. A little more about me, Andrew and Addie. We are a family of three - mom, dad, and a 19 month old. Plus 1 cat, and 1 dog. Mostly I, the mom, aka Angie, will probably be writing 98.9% of the post here. But dad, aka Andrew may write a few posts here or there. We will know more as we evolve. So first, I want to tell you about us. Andrew (dad), and I (Angie) met in 2011. We were 20 at the time, and both working for Walmart. We shared similar interests, and it wasn’t long until we were dating, then engaged in 2013. Married in 2014, and having a baby in 2015. Wait, that last part’s not right. So we didn’t have a baby in 2015. Instead, we got hit with some rough news. No baby. No baby in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020. It was a rough few years, to say the least. We struggled a lot, and we talked to a lot of doctors. We were told over and over again ”you can always adopt”, ”IVF is your only option”, “my friend/sister/brother/ cousin’s girlfriend’s sister’s dog walker didn’t have kids and they actually prefer it that way”, or “my neighbors got pregnant when they stopped trying,” I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea.
Fast forward a bit because I hadn’t planned on the first post being about our infertility struggles. We now have a beautiful 19 month old. Parenthood is everything we hoped for, and so much more. It‘s hard, but it’s also wonderful. Chaotic, but with all the smiles, laughter, and some frustration. In the posts to follow, I hope to go more in detail about our experiences with infertility and subsequently having our miracle baby, what we’re learning to be better parents, and raising our girl. Maybe we’ll expand our little nest, and I’ll discuss our second child journey. If we don’t, I’ll most likely have something to say about that.
Outside of the infertility struggle, and along with new/ first time parent struggles our daughter has needed a helmet to correct her head shape and ASQ-3 Testing. We are thankfully done with the helmet journey, but we are still waist-deep in the ASQ-3 Testing. My husband and I both work full-time while raising our little girl. In his spare time, he has many hobbies- woodworking, guitar (sometimes drums), skateboarding, drawing, and he has even started doing local stand up open mic nights. In my spare time, haha just kidding - what spare time?! No, but really, in my spare time I have been trying to focus on what I want for our future. For me, I want to grow my mom community online. I have been posting on Instagram for years about our infertility, but now that our life has changed for the better, I want my content to change and grow into something more. I hope to reach other moms in similar situations I was in or am currently in, so that maybe together we can connect and learn. Outside of that I love to read, write, crochet, do embroidery, draw, walk, dance, hike, and probably a few others. Of course, I left this out but together, pre-baby, my husband and I both loved to rock climb. We went 3-4 times a week to a local gym. Unfortunately, it has fallen off of our hobby list due to extra weight from baby having and lack of time. Hopefully, one day we will be able to pick it back up. Anything else you want to know about us? Just let me know.
Thanks for reading this far. 🤍 Andrew & Angie & Addie 🤍

Updated October 16, 2023
Instead of making a new blog post I wanted to update on this about us post. It's been 5 months since we started. Wow I really can't believe it. While the blog has not taken off like I had hoped it would I am still learning and trying new things all the time. The last few months I've been staying up late, using my breaks at work, and basically trying to improve in all the ways I can. In the last few months I have started posting to instagram, youtube, tik tok, facebook fan page, and professional mode, pinterest, and even lemon 8. I've made some digital products, wrote a book, and even started diving into UGC (User generated content) and while I am not where I wanted to be I can honestly say I am loving it. Andrew has started working on his two instagram accounts (woodworking and graphic design) and has made some cool procreate brushes. He has also been the best editor, cheerleader, and idea bouncer offer* ( I know that's not a word, but you know what I mean.) Addie is just 10 days away from her 2nd birthday. Life has changed so much and truely every moment, good, bad, has been wonderful. While we didn't really publicize it, in August we lost our beautiful/ sassy Boo, the cat. We came back from vacation and we knew something wasn't right. Diagnosed with an agressive cancer he passed not long after. So right now we are a family of 3, mom, dad, almost 24 month old. Plus 1 dog. I've basically been doing all the writing, Andrews been doing all the editing, proofing, helping me come up with ideas, and generally being a rockstar. I'm still hoping he will write a few post on here, but we weill see. Oh he did write one post.
Truthfully, the infertility is still a struggle, it's not happy thing to talk about but it is what it is. Which is why it is so important to write a blog post about being a mom with infertility. We are so grateful to have our sweet baby and if she is the only baby we have I will forever be grateful, but part of me would like to have another child. Unfortantly the reality is I don't know if that is possible, and I know I'm not ready to go back to IVF and all of the fertiltiy struggles.
Right now I know I want to focus on growing my buisness, my hope is that I can one day make enough that I can choose to stay home with Addie. If that doesn't happen that's ok too, because as I said, I've really been enjoying this whole learning experience. I'm hoping soon to go back to school and continuing working on my education. I love learning new things.
In addition to the projects I'm working on, I'm working on my health journey. With Pcos it's always been so hard to lose weight and feel healthy. I've got a long way to go, but focusing on diet, exercise and taking the right vitamins, I'm confident I'll get to where I want to be.
Infertility is hard, because no matter how hard I work I know there is no guarentee I'll ever get to be pregnant again. But I am confident if I work hard I will continue to progress in my other goals. My health, my buisness, being a good wife and mother to my little girl, connecting with other amazingly wonderful women online has brought me so much joy. Every day I get a little better, I feel a little better, and I want to inspire other women for the same. Together let's work together to continue working towards creating a life we love.
If any of these goals align with your goals, please reach out to me. I truely mean it when I say I love connecting with amazing like minded women. Of course I would love for you to check out my freebie page where you can sign up to recieve emails from me.
As always, Thank you so much for taking the time to read my words. I truly can not tell you how much it means to me.
